Girls Dormitory Construction at Zimpeto
There are around 60 girls currently living at the Zimpeto Children’s Centre. These girls live in the centre as they do not have families who can or will care for them – perhaps orphaned, abandoned, abused or just not wanted. Our girls area is full of love – from our missionary staff and Mozambican carers. Since 2010 there has been a desire to renovate and rebuild the girls area to be something of quality and pride. In 2017 we asked an architect to draw up plans and we began raising finances to demolish the old and build the new.
In 2020 with covid travel restrictions and no visitors, a decision was made to demolish the old girls area, move the girls into the visitors accommodation and build as finances allowed us to. Praise God, this project has now been completed and was opened in May 2022. The girls have moved in and they are so delighted with their fresh, new, dry and warm accommodation.
It says in Psalms 113:6,7 “He is lifting the poor out of the dust to sit with kings and princes”. In 2020 we had 6 girls who grew up on base now studying at University – accountants, teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers.